My blog is a year old! It’s amazing how time flies. I hope people who stumble upon my web and journal are able to learn something from the entries I post here though some of them can be only trivial stuff. I’ve started blogging to find out how ready I was to finally “come out” to the public. Although it was almost 3 years ago on June 21st 2003 that I first officially came out to one of my sisters. I was sick and tired of hiding inside the closet. I realized that if my family really loves me, they would accept me for who I really am. The closet can be a sad, limited, and lonely place to be in. Human beings are designed to be a lot of things…loneliness isn’t one of them. I didn’t want to be alone in the closet anymore. So I came out. I really didn't care about what other people would say or think. My family was & is my only concern. I first told all about it to my youngest sis (I told other family members months later). It was actually funny when it (coming out) happened.
My youngest sister didn’t really make a big deal out of it. She just gave me a kiss and a hug and told me that she’s happy for me as long as I’m happy with my life. She also told me that I should stop crying during that time because I look ugly/weird whenever I cry. She even grabbed her camera phone and took a pic of me crying to prove that I look ugly whenever I cry....and she was right! :-( Hehe! She did reprimand me because it was around 3 in the morning when I told her all about it which made me ruin her beauty sleep. Her college graduation was going to take place on that same day and she wanted to look fresh & pretty in her graduation photos. Arte talaga non! Haha! Another reason, I came out that time was because I got into a serious relationship with a very special guy (A.P.) and I wanted to introduce him to my sister. I was proud to have him as my boyfriend. Although, things between him & I didn’t turn out the way I wished it would, I hope that I was able to make him happy during the 2 years and 7 months of our relationship. All I did and ever wanted to do was to love him & be a good boyfriend to him. Time flies by so quickly. I wonder what the future holds for me and the people in my life. My little sister, my confidant.