me too me too i want a boy friend :o)))even if it is not raining in france ;o)
when will you update your music and video pages in your main web?
i'm quite busy these days which is why i haven't made any new vids, and placed new songs on my website.
i want more videos. more music. you have music here in your blog na pala? your videos in your main web left me wanting more.
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me too me too i want a boy friend :o)))even if it is not raining in france ;o)
me too me too i want a boy friend :o)))even if it is not raining in france ;o)
when will you update your music and video pages in your main web?
i'm quite busy these days which is why i haven't made any new vids, and placed new songs on my website.
i want more videos. more music. you have music here in your blog na pala? your videos in your main web left me wanting more.
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