20 November 2009

9 to 5

My new office is finally finished and ready to be occupied.
I'd like to thank Ryan for helping me in designing and decorating it on a very tight budget. Major thanks to my father too who happens to be my boss. Hehehe :-)
It's nice to have an office of my own although I still spend most of my working time in our main office, which at present is undergoing renovation. The family biz deals with printing and manufacturing.

All I need now is a handsome sexytary. Oops! Secretary I mean. Hahaha!


Anonymous said...

i wanna apply. i'm handsome and sexy . . .

Toyo said...

email me your résumé with attached nude photos. hahaha! kidding ;-)

terry said...

all the best in your new office Rey, hope your dad's feeling much better.

Toyo said...

thanks terry, my father is doing well.
take care! :-)

Brad Feliciano said...

nice! wish I had an office like that!