It's February again. It's the month of love so here's a list of some of the things I just love:
I love it whenever I see my crush.
I love it whenever I buy clothes that fit me just fine.
I love it whenever I get to eat my favorite foods.
I love it whenever the plane I'm in touches the ground bec. it means I won't be getting airsick anymore.
I love it whenever I'm on the beach, the skies are clear, the waters are calm, and there are few people around.
I love it whenever I see cute lovers holding hands.
I love it whenever traffic's not heavy.
I love it whenever I meet interesting people.
I love it whenever I realize that I made the right decision.
I love it whenever I get to put a smile on other people's faces and then laugh with them.
I love it whenever I think about the people who love me.
I love it whenever I'm in-love. :-)
I love it knowing that love is free.
I've updated my music page. The new theme is The 80s.